A Facility Fund Grant program was established to assist Wisconsin Swimming clubs with the maintenance and construction of facilities and the acquisition of equipment.  Any member team/club may submit a request for a grant.  Submissions must be received by April 1st, to be eligible for consideration during the current fiscal year (Sept – Aug).  Applications received after April 1st will be considered in the next fiscal cycle.

All applications will be evaluated by the Facility Fund Grant Subcommittee on a case-by-case basis and their recommendations will be made to the WSI Board of Directors for final approval.  Recipients of the current fiscal year awards will be announced at the annual House of Delegates meeting.  Limitations on resources preclude the ability of Wisconsin Swimming, Inc to grant all requests.

Application  Must be submitted by April 1, 2025 for consideration at the annual HOD meeting in April 2025.

Reimbursement Form - only for Grant award recipients