Wisconsin Swimming - Policies and Procedures

LSC Rules Committee Composition and Structure - As of 10-9-2023

Wisconsin Swimming Policies and Procedures Manual - (PDF) (MS-Word- As amended by BOD on 6-25-2024 

LSC Policy 20: Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Approval Process - (PDF) (MS-Word)

  • R-1: LSC Policy 11 - Fines  - Housekeeping amendment to conform with April 2024 HOD ratified amendment to Policy 2.4.9 changing due date to 7 days.

  • R-1: LSC Policy 2 - Meet Entry Procedures  - Amend to require all reports to be submitted electronically.  Amend Meet Financial Statement filing requirement to submit electronically within 7 days.  Remove requirement to submit a hard copy of the Meet Report along with Splash Fees.  

  • R-2LSC Policy 10 - USA Swimming Registration  - Amend to require registration payments to be made electronically, except by special prior approval.  Delete reference to “Surcharge for Submittal of non-electronic application”

  • R3: LSC Policy 5 - Awards Amend to require Meet Host be responsible for providing Heat Winner Awards at Regional and State Championship Meets.  Clean up outline numbering where Article 5.8.2 is repeated.

Policy and Bylaws amendments as adopted at November 28, 2023 BOD Meeting, and ratified by HOD on 1-23-2024: 
  • R-1: LSC Bylaws Amendments - 2023 USA Swimming Required LSC Bylaws Template - Amendments proposed by LSC Governance Committee and LSC Rules Committee to bring our Bylaws into compliance with USA Swimming requirement for adoption on the new LSC Bylaws Template within 60 days of 9/23/2023 enactment by USA Swimming
  • R-2, R-3, R-4 & HK-3: LSC Policy 2 - Meet Entry Procedures  - Amendments proposed by LSC Rules Committee to address legislative actions taken by the 2023 USA Swimming House of Delegates.  Also, amendments related to USA Swimming required Meet Announcement statements, as well as adding "Entry Chair" to required listing and revised references of “twenty-one (21) days” to “fourteen (14) days” to be consistent with Policy 11.3.5.  Deleted LSC Championship Meets from list of "Quality Meets".  Corrected title to "Managing Director" from "operations manager".
  • R-5: New LSC Policy 36 - LSC Technical Planning Committee  - New proposed policy to further outline the "additional duties" of the Technical Planning Committee as provided for in Article 7.4.8 D of our LSC Bylaws.  It also specifies the "preferred" composition of the additional members of the Committee, and meeting frequency. 
  • HK-1: LSC Policy 15 - Board of Review - Reflect establishment of USA Swimming National Board of Review and elimination of the Zone Board of Review.  Add Zone Sanction Appeal Process.
  • HK-2 and R-6: LSC Policy 13 - Athlete Board Representative and the Athlete Liaison - HK-2 -Amendments proposed to address changes required related to 2023 USAS legislation revising the term “Athlete Representative” to be "Athlete Board Representative".  Also, R-6 proposed amendments to have the Senior Athlete Board Representatives “Co-chair” the Athlete Committee. (This has been sent to the Athlete Committee for consideration prior to proposing to the BOD/HOD.)
  • HK-4: LSC Policy 3 -Determining Age Groups, Events, and Meet Length - Correct title to "Sanction Manager"

USA Swimming September 23, 2023 House of Delegates Legislative Actions Taken  

Policy and Bylaws amendments adopted or ratified at April 29, 2023 HOD Meeting 

  • R1: LSC Bylaws - Article 4.6 - ANNUAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS - Amendments proposed by LSC Governance Committee and LSC Rules Committee to address scheduling of "Regular" HOD meetings. The HOD voted to adopt alternative language relating to "Regular" meetings of the HOD where "A Regular meeting of the House of Delegates shall be held in the fall...".
  • R2: LSC Policy 24 - Wisconsin Swimming Annual House of Delegates Meeting - Amendments proposed by LSC Governance Committee and LSC Rules Committee and adopted by the BOD on 4-28-2023 to address scheduling of "Regular" HOD meetings.  The HOD voted to amend this policy by adopting alternative language relating to "Regular" meetings of the HOD where "A Regular meeting of the House of Delegates shall be held in the fall...". 
  • R3, R4, R5 (Block "B") - Proposed LSC Bylaws amendments regarding the LSC standing committee structure as recommended by Governance Committee and endorsed by the BOD and HOD to: (R3)-Merge the Budget Committee with the Finance Committee-(Adopted by the HOD), (R4)-Merge the Governance and Nomination Committees into a single committee format titled Governance using the LSC Bylaws Template language for this purpose (Adopted by the HOD), and(R5)-Move the following standing committees to the Policy and Procedure Manual: Officials, Personnel, Technical Planning, Safe Sport and Rules (some of which already exist in the P & P manual), keeping the Athletes, Governance, Finance and Executive committees in the Bylaws under standing committees (Defeated by the HOD).
  • R6 through R16 (Blocks "C", "D", "E", and "F") - LSC Policy Amendments Proposed for HOD Ratification as Previously Adopted by BOD (Blocks C, D, E, and F were ratified by the HOD)
  • R17: LSC Policy 9 - LSC Facility Fund Grants (Block "G") - HOD ratification of amendments to revise title of the policy to include "Fund", to specify grant funding limits, add conflict of interest considerations, define establishment of a "Grant Subcommittee", and define Grant application, review, and award process.  HOD adopted an amended version of this policy with additional "Grant Award Consideration Criteria" related to the amount of facility fees collected by an applicant.  

Policy amendments adopted at April 28, 2023 LSC Board of Directors Meeting 

Policy and Bylaws amendments to be considered at April 28, 2023 LSC Board of Directors Meeting and 4-29-2023 HOD Meeting 

  • R1: LSC Bylaws - Article 4.6 - ANNUAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS - Amendments proposed by LSC Governance Committee and LSC Rules Committee to address scheduling of "Regular" HOD meetings.  Support being sought from the BOD to proposed these amendments for approval by the LSC HOD at its April 2023 meeting. - BOD voted to support and recommend adoption by HOD
  • R2: LSC Policy 24 - Wisconsin Swimming Annual House of Delegates Meeting - Amendments proposed by LSC Governance Committee and LSC Rules Committee to address scheduling of "Regular" HOD meetings.  This would be effective only after amendment of related LSC Bylaws Article 4.6 by the LSC HOD at its April 2023 meeting. - Adopted by BOD, subject to adoption of related Bylaws amendments by HOD 
  • R3, R4, R5 (Block "B") - Proposed LSC Bylaws amendments regarding the LSC standing committee structure as recommended by Governance Committee and endorsed by the BOD and HOD to: (R3)-Merge the Budget Committee with the Finance Committee, (R4)-Merge the Governance and Nomination Committees into a single committee format titled Governance using the LSC Bylaws Template language for this purpose, and(R5)-Move the following standing committees to the Policy and Procedure Manual: Officials, Personnel, Technical Planning, Safe Sport and Rules (some of which already exist in the P & P manual), keeping the Athletes, Governance, Finance and Executive committees in the Bylaws under standing committees.
  • R6 through R16 (Blocks "C", "D", "E", and "F") - LSC Policy Amendments Proposed for HOD Ratification as Previously Adopted by BOD
  • R17: LSC Policy 9 - LSC Facility Fund Grants (Block "G") - BOD adopted, and HOD ratification of amendments to revise title of the policy to include "Fund", to specify grant funding limits, add conflict of interest considerations, define establishment of a "Grant Subcommittee", and define Grant application, review, and award process

Policy amendments adopted at March 28, 2023 LSC Board of Directors Meeting: 

Policy amendments considered and adopted at January 24, 2023 LSC Board of Directors Meeting: 

Policy amendments adopted at December 27, 2022 LSC Board of Directors Meeting: (Summary)

Policy amendments considered at October 25, 2022 LSC Board of Directors Meeting: (Summary)

Policy amendments to be considered at June 28, 2022 LSC Board of Directors Meeting:

Policy amendments considered at May 24, 2022 LSC Board of Directors Meeting:

Policy amendments to be considered at April 1, 2022 LSC Board of Directors Meeting:

Policy amendments during the January 25, 2022 LSC Board of Directors Meeting:

Policy deletions/revisions during the June 15, 2021 LSC Board of Directors Meeting:

Policy deletions/revisions during the April 16, 2021 LSC Board of Directors Meeting:

Policy revision considered during the Jun3 19, 2020 LSC House of Delegates Meeting:

Policy revisions and additions considered by the Board of Directors at the April 25, 2020 LSC BOD Meeting:

By-Laws revision to be considered  at the January 28, 2020 LSC House of Delegates Meeting:

Policy revisions and additions to be considered by the Board of Directors at the October 22, 2019 LSC BOD Meeting:

Policy revision and addition adopted by the Board of Directors at the April 26, 2019 LSC BOD Meeting:

Policy revision and addition approved by the Board of Directors at the January, 2019 LSC BOD Meeting:

Policy revision approved by the Board of Directors at the February, 2018 LSC BOD Meeting:

Policies approved by the Board of Directors at the October 24, 2017 LSC BOD Meeting:

Policies approved by the Board of Directors at the April 21, 2017 LSC BOD Meeting:

Policies approved by the Board of Directors at the October 25, 2016 LSC Meeting:

Policies approved by the Board of Directors at the April 25, 2015 LSC Meeting:

Policies approved by the Board of Directors at the August 26, 2014 LSC Meeting:

The following Rules Changes were voted on at the April 26, 2014 LSC Meeting:

  • Rules Adopted April 26, 2014
  • R-1      Policy 2:  Meet Announcement 2.2.1V – Adopted as presented
  • R-2      Policy 2:  LSC Championship Meets 2.7.1- Adopted as presented
  • R-3      Policy 2:  Splash Fee 2.8.3 – Adopted as presented
  • R-4      Policy 4:  Deck Changing 4.13 – Adopted as presented
  • R-5      Policy 20:  Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Approval Process – Adopted as presented
  • R-6      Policy 21:  Nominated and Appointed LSC Positions and Term Limits – Adopted as presented
  • R-7      Policy 22:  Spectators with Disabilities Viewing Guidelines – Adopted as presented
  • R-8      Policy 23:  Deck Access for Photographers - Withdrawn
  • HK-1  Policy 10:  Wisconsin Swimming – USA Swimming Registration – Adopted as presented
  • HK-2  Policy 18:  Rules Committee Mission Statement and Procedures – Adopted as presented
  • The following Rules Changes were voted on at the Feb. 4, 2014 LSC Meeting:
  • Policy 13: Athlete Representatives and the Athlete Liaison - Passed
  • The following Rules Changes were voted on at the Oct. 22, 2013 LSC Meeting:
  • Policy 11: Fines - Passed as amended; effective Jan. 1, 2014
  • Policy 19:  Meet Marshals - passed

The following Rules Changes were voted on at the June 25, 2013 LSC Meeting:

The following Rule Changes were voted on at the April 24, 2012 LSC Meeting:

The following Rule Changes were voted on at the January 25, 2011 LSC Meeting:

The following Rule Changes were voted on at the October 28, 2010 LSC Meeting:

The following Rule Changes were voted on at the June 23, 2009 LSC Meeting:

The following Rule Changes were voted on at the June 27, 2006 LSC Meeting:

These website usage guidelines were approved by the LSC Board January 26, 2010

Mission statement and conflict of interest statements:

Wisconsin Swimming Whistleblower Policy